



信息来源:作者:点击率:日期:2017-04-01 18:51:46

[导读]  1.宇宙中的黑洞结构的确是一种高速旋转的天体,其周围的时光扭曲效应对黑洞剧烈的物质喷射现象起至关重要的作用,这就如同一个巨大的陀螺仪在旋转时所出现的情形,黑洞

  文中的“这”指代的是(  )。
  2. “对酒当歌,人生几何”,建安风骨与继之于后的魏晋风流都深深缠绵留恋于酒的浓烈当中,借助于这伟大的道具,魏武努力经营着自己脱俗的梦想,粗犷、豪放,迥异于同是饮者的“竹林七贤”所释放的冷峻、漠然以及深藏于其中的无奈、悲哀,他不通过酒来遁世,而是在借酒来变世。
  以下理解错误的一项是(  )。
  最能表述上文观点的是(  )。
  下列表述,符合文意的是(  )。
  这句话的意思很明确,以下四个选项中与此最贴切的一项是(  )。
  下列选项中能正确反映这段话的观点是(  )。
  这句话的意思是想说(  )。
  这段话的意思其实就是(  )。
  这里的意思表明(  )。
  “研究这种差异将有助于我们更透彻地了解地球上的大气循环”,对“这种差异”理解正确的一项是(  )。
 11.11,14,20,29,41,(  )
  12.8,8,12,24,60,(  )
  13.8,9,16,17,32,25,64,(  )
  14.1.16,8.25,27.36,64.49,(  )
  15.4,10,8,17,12,(  ),16,31
  16.24689-1728-2272的值为(  )
  17.王杰要在一个长50米,宽30米的长方形水池旁植树,每隔10米植1棵,并且四个角都植树。一共可以植(  )棵。
  18.一个水池有两个排水管甲和乙,一个进水管丙。若同时开放甲、丙两管,20小时可将满池水排空;若同时开放乙、丙两水管,30小时可将满池水排空;若单独开丙管,60小时可将空池注满。若同时打开甲、乙、丙三水管,要排空水池中的满池水,需多少小时?(  )
  19.A、B两地相距380千米。甲、乙两辆汽车同时从两地相向开出,原计划甲每小时行36千米,乙汽车每小时行40千米,但开车时,甲车改变了速度,也以每小时40千米速度行驶。这样相遇时乙车比原计划少走了多少千米?(  )
  20.林文前年买了8000元的国家建设债券,定期3年。到期他取回本金和利息一共10284.8元。这种建设债券的年利率是多少?(  )
  根据以上定义,下列政治现象中不属于行使国家职能的是(  )。
  下列不属于法人的是(  )。
  根据以上定义,下列行为中,甲的行为属于犯罪预备的是(  )。
  根据以上定义,下列表述不正确的是(  )。
  下列不属于仲裁一项是(  )。
  26.自然灾害∶台风(  )
  27.祖逖∶闻鸡起舞(  )
  28.槐树∶植物(  )
  29.金针∶刺绣(  )
  30.滑板∶运行(  )
  为使上述论证成立,以下哪项必须为真?(  )
  以下哪项最能解释日产电器销量居高不下的原因?(  )
  下列选项,如果为真,则最能有效支持上述论证的是(  )。
  34.要对社会现象作详尽的了解,探索规律,即使是地区性的,也一定要走进现实社会中找资料,绝不能凭空臆度。要明白事情的因果关系,建立有关的理论,不能没有实践的资料,以供验证理论之用。所以(  )。
  以下除哪项外,都与题干推理所犯的逻辑错误近似?(  )
  36.合伙合同存续期间,合伙人以外的第三人要求入伙,关于法律是否允许的问题下列表述哪项是正确的?(  )
  37.某甲17周岁,已参加工作,有固定收入,某日因某甲在街上寻衅滋事,将某乙打伤,某乙要求赔偿医药费,对此下列表述哪些不正确?(  )
  38.某国家机关的机要人员林某利用职务上的便利,将其所知悉、掌握的大量国家机密、绝密提供给境外的反动组织,对该行为如何认定?(  )
  39.昼为阳,夜为阴,则上午为(  )。
  40.从文学作品的体裁看,归类不正确的一项是(  )。
  41.随着生产和生活垃圾的急剧增加,垃圾处理已成为一个重要的社会和经济问题。而有关专家却说:“垃圾是放错了地方的资源。”将垃圾看成是“放错了地方的资源”这段话(  )。
  42.实施西部大开发工程,要统筹规划,突出重点。其哲学依据是(  )。
  43.电脑以其卓越的性能,可以代替人们完成复杂而繁重的某些工作。如两名美国科学家用电脑做完了200亿个逻辑判断,终于证明了“四色定理”。这一事实说明(  )。
  44.分子生物学的研究表明(  )。
  45.人们在谈到计算机的时候,往往要谈到计算机是386、486或586,那么X86到底代表什么呢?简单地说,它代表着计算机(  )。
  46.为什么铁道钢轨的接缝处要留下一点空隙?(  )
  47.西部地区2004年固定资产投资额为(  )。
  48.西部各省区市中,固定资产投资总量位居第二位的是(  )。
  49.西部地区2003年固定资产投资额约为(  )。
  50.内蒙古自治区2003年固定资产投资额约为(  )。
 51.下列表述正确的是(  )。
  52.自1984年1月1日起,中国人民银行开始专门行使中央银行的职能,所承担的工商信贷和储蓄业务职能转交至(    )
  A. 中国银行  B. 交通银行  C. 工商银行  D. 建设银行
  53.国家开发银行所承担的任务是:(   )
  54.1979年,我国第一家城市信用社在(   )成立。
  55.村镇银行和农村资金互助社是(    )年批准设立的
  A.2004  B.2005  C.2006  D.2007
  56.2001年11月29日,全国第一家农村股份制商业银行在(   )正式成立
  57.我国批准设立的第一家外资银行代表处是:(   )
  A.东亚银行  B.日本输出入银行
  C.花旗银行  D.汇丰银行
  58.我国的信托业已经先后经过(   )次大规模的清理整顿。
  A.4  B.5  C.6  D.7
  59.1979年,新中国第一家信托投资公司是:(  )
  60.以金为货币金属,以金币为本位币,不铸造也不流通金币,银行券可以兑换外币汇票的货币制度属于(  )
  61.甲公司同意乙公司以分期付款的方式偿还所欠贷款,这种信用属于(  )
  62.下面关于金融工具和金融市场叙述错误的是( )。
  63.存款货币银行吸收的存款不能完全用于放款或投资,必须将一定比例存入中央银行形成( )
  64.同行拆借市场的产生与(  )密切相关
  66.通货紧缩会造成(  )。
  67.货币主义认为货币政策传导变量为(  )。
  73.消费者效用最大化的均衡条件是(  )。
  A.0                 B.100               C.400              D.500
  76.(  )市场要求企业生产的产品具有同质性,不存在差别。
  80.21.下列各项中,不应计入营业外收入的是( )。
  81.下列各项中(   )不属于投资与投机的区别。
  82.甲公司长期持有乙公司10%的股权,采用成本法核算。2009年1月1日,该项投资账面价值为1 300万元。2009年度乙公司实现净利润2 000万元,宣告发放现金股利1 200万元。假设不考虑其他因素,2009年12月31日该项投资账面价值为( )万元。
  83.下列各项中,应列入利润表“管理费用”项目的是( )。
  84.某饮料生产企业为增值税一般纳税人,年末将本企业生产的一批饮料发放给职工作为福利。该饮料市场售价为12万元(不含增值税),增值税适用税率为17%,实际成本为10万元。假定不考虑其他因素,该企业应确认的应付职工薪酬为( )。
  85.资金成本在企业筹资决策中的作用不包括(   )。
  86.2007年1月1日,甲公司租用一层写字楼作为办公场所,租赁期限为3年,每年12月31日支付租金10万元,共支付3年。该租金有年金的特点,属于( )。
  87.下列各项中,不属于现金流量表“筹资活动产生的现金流量”的是( )。
  88.某企业生产甲、乙两种产品,2009年12月共发生生产工人工资70 000元,福利费10 000元。上述人工费按生产工时比例在甲、乙产品间分配,其中甲产品的生产工时为1 200小时,乙产品的生产工时为800小时。该企业生产甲产品应分配的人工费为( )元。
  A.28 000
  B.32 000
  C.42 000
  D.48 000
  89.下列各项中,不属于所有者权益的是( )。
  90.This ticket ______ you to a free boat tour on the lake.
  A. entitlesB. appoints
  C. grantsD. credits
  91.This is the nurse who ______ to me when I was ill in hospital.
  A. accompaniedB. attended
  C. entertainedD. shielded
  92.I was about to ______ a match when I remembered Tom’s warning.
  A. rubB. hit
  C. scrapeD. strike
  93.The advertisement says this material doesn’t ______ in the wash, but it has.
  A. contractB. shrink
  C. slimD. dissolve
  94.He was proud of being chosen to participate in the game and he ______ us that he would try as hard as possible.
  A. insuredB. guaranteed
  C. assumedD. assured
  95.Not only the professionals but also the amateurs will ______ from the new training facilities.
  A. deriveB. acquire
  C. benefitD. reward
  96.The work was almost complete when we received orders to ______ no further with it.
  A. progressB. proceed
  C. marchD. promote
  97.I waited for him half an hour, but he never ______.
  A. turned inB. turned down
  C. turned offD. turned up
  98.A house with a dangerous gas ______ can be broken into immediately.
  A. leakB. split
  C. messD. crack
  99.A dark suit is ______ to a light one for evening wear.
  A. favourableB. suitable
  C. preferableD. proper
  100.It was in the United States that I made the ______ of professor Jones.
  A. acknowledgementB. acquaintance
  C. recognitionD. association
  101.Could you take a ______ sheet of paper and write your name at the top?
  A. bareB. vacant
  C. hollowD. blank
  102.A culture in which the citizens share similar religious beliefs and values is more likely to have laws that represent the wishes of its people than is a culture where citizens come from ______ backgrounds.
  A. extensiveB. influential
  C. diverseD. identical
  103.Areas where students have particular difficulty have been treated ______ particular care.
  A. byB. in
  C. underD. with
  104.He gave a ______ to handle the affairs in a friendly manner.
  A. pledgeB. mission
  C. plungeD. motion
  105.Don’t let the child play with scissors ______ he cuts himself.
  A. in caseB. so that
  C. now thatD. only if
  106.______ the danger from enemy action, people had to cope with a severe shortage of food, clothing, fuel, and almost everything.
  A. As far asB. As long as
  C. As well asD. As soon as
  107.Many people lost their jobs during the business ______.
  A. desperationB. decrease
  C. despairD. depression
  108.Whenever a big company ______ a small one, the product almost always gets worse.
  A. gets on withB. cuts down
  C. takes overD. puts up with
  109.Mr. Smith was the only witness who said that the fire was ______.
  A. matureB. deliberate
  C. meaningfulD. innocent
  110.My dictionary _____ . I have looked for it everywhere but still ___ it.
  A. has lost ,don’t find
  B. is missing, don’t find
  C. has lost, haven’t found
  D. is missing , haven’t found
 111.---Hey, look where you are going?
  --- Oh, I’m terribly sorry, _____.
  A. I’m not noticing     B. I wasn’t noticing
  C. I haven’t noticed    D. I don’t notice
  112.Jonna is in a ___ of poor health,which worries her parents very much.
  A. position    B. situation
  C. state       D. condition
  113.Most of the audience had a high ____ of the performance of our footballers in the match against Iran.
  A. idea  B. sense   C. opinion  D. thought
  114.I ____ him by surprise and he had no time to think of an excuse.
  A. took    B. seized  C. held  D. caught
  115.Why don’t you just ____ your own business and leave me alone?
  A. make   B. open  C. consider  D. mind
  116.I shall ____ the loss of my laptop computer in the newspaper ,with a reward for the finder.
  A. inform        B. advertise
  C. announce      D. publish
  117.When the cooking class changed to Tuesdays, I had to ____ so that I could ___ my daughter from her piano lessons.
  A. drop in ,pick out    B. drop off ,pick up
  C. drop out, pick up    D. drop by, pick out
  118.---Did you enjoy yourself at the party?
  ---Yes. I’ve never been to ___ one before.
  A. a more excited    B. the more excited
  C. a more exciting    D. the most exciting
  119.My uncle and aunt work on a farm ,___ they raise fifty ___.
  A. there, cattle      B. where, head of cattle
  C. in which, head of cattle   D. where, cattles
  120.I like Mr.Wang, ____ class I have learned a lot.
  A. whose       B. in whose
  C. which       D. in which
  121.Many people who had seen the film were afraid to go to the forest when they remembered the scenes ___ people were eaten by the tiger.
  A. in which        B. by which
  C. which          D. that
  122.She may have missed the train, ____ she won’t arrive for another hour.
  A. in which case     B. in her case
  C. an any case       D. in that case
  123.Beck is an honest businessman. Our company and his have a lot of ____ in the past five years.
  A. goods      B. agreements
  C. rewards     D. deals
  124.Happy birthday, Jane ! So you have ___    twenty already.
  A. become  B .turned C. grown  D. passed
  125.After more than ten minutes’ break, the speaker ___ the story from where he left off.
  A. kept on      B. went on
  C. made up     D. took up
  126.I got caught in the rain and my suit ____.
  A. has ruined       B. had ruined
  C. has been ruined   D. had been ruined
  127.Pop music is such an important part of society ____ it has even influenced our language.
  A. as  B. that   C. which   D. where
  128.China’s first Passport Law makes a passport ____ for ten years with no extension.
  A. available   B. valid
  C. official     D. effective
  129.With the capital ____ to greet even more people from around the world, Beijing is doing her best to make herself more open.
  A. prepare     B. to prepare
  C. prepared    D. prepares
  Passage One
  Recent research has claimed that an excess of positive ions in the air can have an ill effect on people's physical or psychological health. What are positive ions?Well,the air is full of ions,electrically charged particles,and generally there is a rough balance between the positive and the negative charged. But sometimes this balance becomes disturbed and a larger proportion of positive ions are found. This happens naturally before thunderstorm,earthquakes when winds such as the Mistral,Hamsin or Sharav are blowing in certain countries. Or it can be caused by a build-up of static electricity indoors from carpets or clothing made of man-made fibres,or from TV sets,duplicators or computer display screens.
  When a large number of positive ions are present in the air many people experience unpleasant effects such as headaches,fatigue,irritability,and some particularly sensitive people suffer nausea or even mental disturbance. Animals are also affected,particularly before earthquakes,snakes have been observed to come out of hibernation,rats to flee from their burrows,dogs howl and cats jump about unaccountably. This has led the US Geographical Survey to fund a network of volunteers to watch animals in an effort to foresee such disasters before they hit vulnerable areas such as California.
  Conversely,when large numbers of negative ions are present,then people have a feeling of well-being. Natural conditions that produce these large amounts are near the sea,close to waterfalls or fountains,or in any place where water is sprayed,or forms a spray. This probably accounts for the beneficial effect of a holiday by the sea, or in the mountains with tumbling streams or waterfalls.examda.com
  To increase the supply of negative ions indoors,some scientists recommend the use of ionisers:small portable machines,which generate negative ions. They claim that ionisers not only clean and refresh the air but also improve the health of people sensitive to excess positive ions. Of course,there are the detractors,other scientists,who dismiss such claims and are skeptical about negative/positive ion research. Therefore people can only make up their own minds by observing the effects on themselves,or on others,of a negative rich or poor environment. After all it is debatable whether depending on seismic readings to anticipate earthquakes is more effective than watching the cat.
  130.What effect does exceeding positive ionization have on some people?
  A.They think they are insane.
  B.They feel rather bad-tempered and short-fussed.
  C.They become violently sick.
  D.They are too tired to do anything.
  131.In accordance with the passage,static electricity can be caused by___.
  A.using home-made electrical goods.
  B.wearing clothes made of natural materials.
  C.walking on artificial floor coverings.
  D.copying TV programs on a computer.
  132.A high negative ion count is likely to be found___.
  A.near a pound with a water pump.
  B.close to a slow-flowing river.
  C.high in some barren mountains.
  D.by a rotating water sprinkler.
  133.What kind of machine can generate negative ions indoors?
  D.Vacuum pumps.
  134.Some scientists believe that___.
  A.watching animals to anticipate earthquakes is more effective than depending on seismography.
  B.the unusual behavior of animals cannot be trusted.
  C.neither watching nor using seismographs is reliable.
  Passage Two
  We all know that the normal human daily cycle of activity is of some 7-8 hours’ sleep alternation with some 16-17 hours’wakefulness and that, broadly speaking, the sleep normally coincides with the hours of darkness. Our present concern is with how easily and to what extent this cycle can be modified.
  The question is no mere academic one. The ease, for example, with which people can change from working in the day to working at night is a question of growing importance in industry where automation calls for round-the-clock working of machines. It normally takes from five days to one week for a person to adapt to a reversed routine of sleep and wakefulness, sleeping during the day and working at night. Unfortunately, it is often the case in industry that shifts are changed every week; a person may work from 12:00 midnight to 8:00 a.m. one week, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. the next, and 4:00p.m. to 12:00 midnight the third and so on. This means that no sooner has he got used to one routine than he has to change to another, so that much of his time is spent neither working nor sleeping very efficiently.
  The only real solution appears to be to hand over the night shift to a number of permanent night workers. An interesting study of the domestic life and health of night-shift workers was carried out by Brown in 1957. She found a high incidence of disturbed sleep and other disorders among those on alternating day and night shifts, but no abnormal occurrence of these phenomena among those on permanent night work.
  This latter system then appears to be the best long-term policy, but meanwhile something may be done to relieve the strains of alternate day and night work by selecting those people who can adapt most quickly to the changes of routine. One way of knowing when a person has adapted is by measuring his body temperature. People engaged in normal daytime work will have a high temperature during the hours of wakefulness and a low one at night; when they change to night work, the pattern will only gradually go back to match the new routine and the speed with which it does so parallels, broadly speaking, the adaptation of the body as a whole, particularly in terms of performance. Therefore, by taking body temperature at intervals of two hours throughout the period of wakefulness it can be seen how quickly a person can adapt to a reversed routine, and this could be used as a basis for selection. So far, however, such a form of selection does not seem to have been applied in practice.
  135.The main problem of the round-the-clock working system lies in _______.
  A. the disturbance of the daily cycle of workers who have to change shifts too frequently
  B. the inconveniences brought about to the workers by the introduction of automation
  C. the fact that people working at night are often less effective
  D. the fact that it is difficult to find a number of good night workers
  136.The best solution to implementing the 24-hour working system seems ________.
  A. to employ people who work on night shifts only
  B. to create better living conditions for night workers
  C. to change shifts at longer intervals
  D. to have longer shifts
  137.Which of the following statements is NOT true?
  A. Body temperature may serve as an indication of a worker’s performance.
  B. The employment of permanent night shift workers seems to be the best solution to problems of the round-the-clock working system.
  C. Taking body temperature at regular intervals can show how a person adapts to the changes of routine.
  D. Disturbed sleep occurs more frequently among shift workers.
  138.It is possible to find out if a person has adapted to the changes of routine by measuring his body temperature because ________.
  A. body temperature changes when the cycle of sleep and wakefulness alternates
  B. body temperature changes when he changes to night shift or back
  C. the temperature reverses when the routine is changed.
  D. people have higher temperature when they are working efficiently.
  139.The phrase “coincide with”(Line 3, Para.1. could best be replaced by _______.
  A. take place
  B. agree with
  C. accord to
  D. take up
 Passage Three
  With the possible exception of equal rights, perhaps the most controversial issue across the United States today is the death penalty. Many argue that it is an effective deterrent (威慑. to murder, while others maintain there is no convincing evidence that the death penalty reduces the number of murders.
  The principal argument advanced by those opposed to the death penalty, basically, is that it is cruel and inhuman punishment, which is the mark of a brutal society, and finally that it is of questionable effectiveness as a deterrent to crime anyway.
  In our opinion, the death penalty is a necessary evil. Throughout recorded history there have always been those extreme individuals in every society who were capable of terribly violent crimes such as murder. But some are more extreme than others.
  For example, it is one thing to take the life of another in a fit of blind rage, but quite another to coldly plot and carry out the murder of one or more people in the style of a butcher. Thus, murder, like all other crimes, is a matter of relative degree. While it could be argued with some conviction that the criminal in the first instance should be merely isolated from society, such should not be the fate of the latter type murderer.
  The value of the death penalty as a deterrent to crime may be open to debate. But the overwhelming majority of citizens believe that the death penalty protects them. Their belief is reinforced by evidence which shows that the death penalty deters murder. For example, from 1954 to 1963, when the death penalty was consistently imposed in California, the murder rate remained between three and four murders for each 100,000 population. Since 1964 the death penalty has been imposed only once, and the murder rate has risen to 10.4 murders for each 100,000 population. The sharp climb in the state’s murder rate, which began when executions stopped, is no coincidence. It is convincing evidence that the death penalty does deter many murderers. If the bill reestablishing the death penalty is vetoed, innocent people will be murdered-some whose lives may have been saved if the death penalty were in effect. This is literally a life or death matter. The lives of thousands of innocent people must be protected.
  140.The principal purpose of this passage is to       .
  A. speak for the majority           B. initiate a veto
  C. criticize the government          D. argue for the value of the death penalty
  141.The author’s response to those who urge the death penalty for all is likely to be       .
  A. negative       B. friendly          C. supportive         D. hostile
  142.According to the Paragraph 4, it can be inferred that       .
  A. the death penalty is the most controversial issue in the United States today
  B. the second type of murderers should be sentenced to death
  C. the veto of the bill reestablishing the death penalty is of little importance
  D. the value of the death penalty as a deterrent to crime is not to be debated
  143.The passage attempts to establish a relationship between       .
  A. the murder rate and the imposition of the death penalty
  B. the effects of execution and the effects of isolation
  C. the importance of equal rights and that of the death penalty
  D. executions and murders
  144.The author’s attitude towards “death penalty” is       .
  A. opposing       B. supporting           C. neutral          D. sarcastic
Passage Four
  One positive consequence of our current national crisis may be at least a temporary shadow in Hollywood’s culture of violence. Fearful of offending audiences in the wake of the terrorist attack, some moviemakers have postponed the release of film with terrorist themes. Television writers are delaying scripts with warlike and terrorist scenarios (剧本提纲..It is probably good thinking. My local video store tells me nobody is checking out “disaster” movies. Says the manager, “Currently, people want comedy. They want an escape from stories about violence and terrorism.” Similarly, in the music business, there’s a run on patriotic and inspirational tapes and CDs.
  According to The New York Times, the self scrutiny among these czars (特权人物. of mass-entertainment taste is unprecedented in scale, sweeping aside hundreds of millions of dollars in projects that no longer seem appropriate. A reasonable concern is that this might be a short term phenomenon. Once life returns to something more normal, will Hollywood return to its bad old ways? The Times offers a glimmer of hope. The industry’s titans (巨头.,it suggests, are struggling with much more difficulties, long range questions of what the public will want once the initial shock from the terrorist attacks wears off. Many in the industry admit they do not know where the boundaries of taste and consumer tolerance now lie.
  This is an opportunity for some of us to suggest to Hollywood where that boundary of consumer tolerance is, especially those of us who have not yet convinced Hollywood to cease its descent into ever lower of the dumbness of our young.
  The nonprofit Parents Television Council, which monitors the quality of TV programming, says in its latest report that today’s TV shows are more laced than ever with vulgarities, sexual immorality, crudities, violence, and foul language. The traditional family hour between 8p.m.and 9p.m., when the networks used to offer programs for the entire family, has disappeared. The problem looks like it will get worse.
  That certainly looked to be the case before the Sept.11th assault. One pre attack New York Times story reported that TV producers were crusading (讨伐. for scripts that include every crude word imaginable. The struggles between net-work censors and producers, according to the report, were “growing more intense”. Producers like Aaron Sorkin of “The West Wing” planned to keep pushing hard. He was quoted as saying,“There’s absolutely no reason why we can’t use the language of adulthood in programs that are about adults”.
  My guess is that a lot of adults don’t use the language Mr. Sorkin wants to use, and don’t enjoy having their children hear it. At this moment of crisis in our nation’s history, thought has become more thoughtful, prayerful, and spiritual. It may be the time to tell the entertainment industry that we want not a temporary pause in the flow of tastelessness, but a long term clean-up.
  145.Some filmmakers hesitate to release new films with violent content because       .
  A. they want to show themselves to be patriots
  B. they are afraid such films may anger audiences
  C. films with violence in them are no longer popu1ar
  D. fil ms with terrorist themes are reflections on violence.
  146.The “self-scrutiny” in the second paragraph refers to filmmakers attempt to     .
  A. produce appropriate films with no violent content for the audiences
  B. prevent themselves from slipping into their old bad ways
  C. understand to what extent their films have contributed to the national crisis
  D. find out where the boundaries of taste and consumer tolerance lie
  147.The author thinks that it is time for the general audience to      .
  A. tell filmmakers where the boundaries of their taste lie
  B. point out to Hollywood how bad their films are
  C. accuse the filmmakers of desensitizing their children
  D. ask filmmakers to make films that reflect traditional family life
  148.Which of the following statements is TRUE about Aaron Sorkin?
  A. He is strongly against using crude language in films.
  B. He starts the struggles between network censors and producer.
  C. He insists no restraint be set to the language used in films.
  D. He believes that it is time to clean up the entertainment industry.
  149.The author’s purpose in writing this passage is      .
  A. to acknowledge the current practice of the entertainment industry
  B. to show his admiration for the current practice of the entertainment industry
  C. to accuse the entertainment industry of their current practice
  D. to show tolerance of the current practice of the entertainment industry
Passage Five
  Imagine waking up and finding the value of your assets has been halved. No, you’re not an investor in one of those hedge funds that failed completely. With the dollar slumping to a 26-year low against the pound, already-expensive London has become quite unaffordable. A coffee at Starbucks, just as unavoidable in England as it is in the United States, runs about $8.
  The once all-powerful dollar isn’t doing a Titanic against just the pound. It is sitting at a record low against the euro and at a 30-year low against the Canadian dollar. Even the Argentine peso and Brazilian real are thriving against the dollar.
  The weak dollar is a source of humiliation, for a nation’s self-esteem rests in part on the strength of its currency. It’s also a potential economic problem, since a declining dollar makes imported food more expensive and exerts upward pressure on interest rates. And yet there are substantial sectors of the vast U.S. economy-from giant companies like Coca-Cola to mom-and-pop restaurant operators in Miami-for which the weak dollar is most excellent news.
  Many Europeans may view the U.S. as an arrogant superpower that has become hostile to foreigners. But nothing makes people think more warmly of the U.S. than a weak dollar. Through April, the total number of visitors from abroad was up 6.8 percent from last year. Should the trend continue, the number of tourists this year will finally top the 2000 peak? Many Europeans now apparently view the U.S. the way many Americans view Mexico-as a cheap place to vacation, shop and party, all while ignoring the fact that the poorer locals can’t afford to join the merrymaking.
  The money tourists spend helps decrease our chronic trade deficit. So do exports, which thanks in part to the weak dollar, soared 11 percent between May 2006 and May 2007. For first five months of 2007, the trade deficit actually fell 7 percent from 2006.If you own shares in large American corporations, you’re a winner in the weak-dollar gamble. Last week Coca-Cola’s stick bubbled to a five-year high after it reported a fantastic quarter. Foreign sales accounted for 65 percent of Coke’s beverage business. Other American companies profiting from this trend include McDonald’s and IBM.
  American tourists, however, shouldn’t expect any relief soon. The dollar lost strength the way many marriages break up- slowly, and then all at once. And currencies don’t turn on a dime. So if you want to avoid the pain inflicted by the increasingly pathetic dollar, cancel that summer vacation to England and look to New England. There, the dollar is still treated with a little respect.
  150.Why do Americans feel humiliated?
  A. Their economy is plunging
  B.T hey can’t afford trips to Europe
  C. Their currency has slumped
  D. They have lost half of their assets.
  151.How does the current dollar affect the life of ordinary Americans?
  A. They have to cancel their vacations in New England.
  B. They find it unaffordable to dine in mom-and-pop restaurants.
  C. They have to spend more money when buying imported goods.
  D. They might lose their jobs due to potential economic problems.
  152.How do many Europeans feel about the U.S with the devalued dollar?
  A. They feel contemptuous of it
  B. They are sympathetic with it.
  C. They regard it as a superpower on the decline.
  D. They think of it as a good tourist destination.
  153.what is the author’s advice to Americans?
  A. They treat the dollar with a little respect
  B. They try to win in the weak-dollar gamble
  C. They vacation at home rather than abroad
  D.They treasure their marriages all the more.
  154.What does the author imply by saying “currencies don’t turn on a dime” (Line 2,Para 7.?
  A. The dollar’s value will not increase in the short term.
  B. The value of a dollar will not be reduced to a dime
  C. The dollar’s value will drop, but within a small margin.
  D. Few Americans will change dollars into other currencies.
 Passage Six
  It used to be so straightforward. A team of researchers working together in the laboratory would submit the results of their research to a journal. A journal editor would then remove the authors’ names and affiliations from the paper and send it to their peers for review. Depending on the comments received, the editor would accept the paper for publication or decline it. Copyright rested with the journal publisher, and researchers seeking knowledge of the results would have to subscribe to the journal.
  No longer. The Internet - and pressure from funding agencies, who are questioning why commercial publishers are making money from government-funded research by restricting access to it - is making access to scientific results a reality. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD.was just issued a report describing the far-reaching consequences of this. The report, by John Houghton of Victoria University in Australia and Graham Vickery of the OECD, makes heavy reading for publishers who have, so far, made handsome profits. But it goes further than that. It signals a change in what has, until now, been a key element of scientific endeavor.
  The value of knowledge and the return on the public investment in research depends, in part, upon wide distribution and ready access. It is big business. In America, the core scientific publishing market is estimated at between $7 billion and $11 billion. The International Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers says that there are more than 2,000 publishers worldwide specializing in these subjects. They publish more than 1.2 million articles each year in some 16,000 journals.
  This is now changing. According to the OECD report, some 75% of scholarly journals are now online. Entirely new business models are emerging; three main ones were identified by the report’s authors. This is the so-called big deal, where institutional subscribers pay for access to a collection of online journal titles through site-licensing agreements. There is open-access publishing, typically supported by asking the author (or his employer. to pay for the paper to be published. Finally, there are open-access archives, where organizations such as universities or international laboratories support institutional repositories. Other models exist that are hybrids of these three, such as delayed open-access, where journals allow only subscribers to read a paper for the first six months, before making it freely available to everyone who wishes to see it. All this could change the traditional form of the peer-review process, at least for the publication of papers.
  155.In the first paragraph, the author discusses
  A. the background information of journal editing.
  B. the publication routine of laboratory reports.
  C. the relations of authors with journal publishers.
  D. the traditional process of journal publication.
  156.Which of the following is true of the OECD report?
  A. It criticizes government-funded research.
  B. It introduces an effective means of publication.
  C. It upsets profit-making journal publishers.
  D. It benefits scientific research considerably.
  157. According to the text, online publication is significant in that
  A. it provides an easier access to scientific results.
  B. it brings huge profits to scientific researchers.
  C. it emphasizes the crucial role of scientific knowledge.
  D. it facilitates public investment in scientific research.
  158.With the open-access publishing model, the author of a paper is required to
  A .cover the cost of its publication.
  B. subscribe to the journal publishing it.
  C .allow other online journals to use it freely.
  D. complete the peer-review before submission.
  159.Which of the following best summarizes the main idea of the passage?
  A. The Internet is posing a threat to publishers.
  B. A new mode of publication is emerging.
  C. Authors welcome the new channel for publication.
  D. Publication is rendered easier by online service.
 Passage Seven
  Americans spend their free time in various ways.
  America is a country of sports-of hunting, fishing and swimming, and of team sports like baseball and football. Millions of Americans watch their favorite sports on television. They also like to play in community orchestras(管弦乐队),make their own films or recordings, go camping ,visit museums, attend lectures, travel, garden, read, and join in hundreds of other activities. The people also enjoy building things for their homes, sewing their own clothes, even making their own photographs. They do these things for fun as well as for economy.
  But as much as Americans enjoy their free time, the country is at the same time a"self-improvement" country. More than 25 million adults continue their education, chiefly by going to school in the evening, during their own free time, at their own expense. Added to the time spent on personal activities, Americans a1so devote a great amount of their time to the varied needs of their communities. Many hospitals, schools, libraries, museums, parks, community centers, and organizations that assist the poor depend on the many hours citizens devote to these activities, often without any pay. Why do they do it?
  There are several answers. The idea of cooperating and sharing responsibility with one another for the benefit of all is as old as the country itself.
  When the country was first founded in 1776,it was necessary for the settlers to work together to live. They had crossed dangerous seas and risked all they had in their struggle for political and religious freedom. There remains among many Americans a distrust of central government. People still prefer to do things themselves within their communities, rather than give the government more control.
  Sometimes people offer their time because they wish to accomplish something for which no money is paid, to do something that will be of benefit to the entire community. It is true that some people use their leisure because they are truly interested in the work; or they are learning from the experience.
  No matter what the reason is, hundreds of thousands of so called leisure hours are put into hard, unpaid work on one or another community need.
  160.This passage is mainly about ________ .
  A. why America is a country of sports
  B. how Americans spend their free time
  C. why America is a "self-improvement" country
  161.The writer mentions the foundation of the country in order to indicate ________.
  A. the early history of America
  B. the American people's determination to live
  C. the reason for Americans' willingness to cooperate and share responsibility
  162.Which of the following best explains the meaning of the underlined word “leisure”
  A. work time B. energy C. spare time
  163.What can we infer from the text
  A. The first settlers left their hometown for political and religious reasons.
  B. Many Americans don′t trust the central government.
  C. American people enjoy building things for their homes just for fun.
 Passage Eight
  Personal computers and the Internet give people new choices about how to spend their time.
  Some may use this freedom to share less time with certain friends or family members, but new technology will also let them stay in closer touch with those they care most about. I know this from personal experience.
  E-mail makes it easy to work at home, which is where I now spend most weekends and evenings. My working hours aren’t necessarily much shorter than they once were but I spend fewer of them at the office. This lets me share more time with my young daughter than I might have if she’d been born before electronic mail became such a practical tool.
  The Internet also makes it easy to share thoughts with a group of friends. Say you do something fun see a great movie perhaps-and there are four or five friends who might want to hear about it. If you call each one, you may tire of telling the story.
  With E-mail, you just write one note about your experience, at your convenience, and address it to all the friends you think might be interested. They can read your message when they have time, and read only as much as they want to. They can reply at their convenience, and you can read what they have to say at your convenience.
  E-mail is also an inexpensive way stay in close touch with people who live far away. More than a few parents use E-mail to keep in touch, even daily touch, with their children off at college.
  We just have to keep in mind that computers and the Internet offer another way of staying in touch. They don’t take the place of any of the old ways.
  164.The purpose of this passage is to ________.
  A. explain how to use the Internet
  B. describe the writer’s joy of keeping up with the latest technology
  C. tell the merits(价值) and usefulness of the Internet
  D. introduce the reader to basic knowledge about personal computers and the Internet
  165.The use of E-mail has made it possible for the writer to ________.
  A. spend less time working
  B. have more free time with his child
  C. work at home on weekends
  D. work at a speed comfortable to him
  166.According to the writer, E-mail has an obvious advantage over the telephone because the former helps one ________.
  A. reach a group of people at one time conveniently
  B. keep one’s communication as personal as possible
  C. pass on much more information than the later
  D. get in touch with one’s friends faster than the later
  167.The best title for this passage is ________.
  A. Computer: New Technological Advances
  B. Internet: New Tool to Maintain Good Friendship
  C. Computers: Have Made Life Easier
  D. Internet: a Convenient Tool for Communication
  Passage Nine
  A high school history teacher once told us,“If you make one close friend in school, you will be most fortunate.A true friend is someone who stays with you for life.”  1   teaches that he was right.Good friendship is just not easily   .
It is possible that we simply do not stay in one place long enough for a   3   friendship to develop.However,there can be no disagreement on the   4  for each of us to think carefully about the   5   of friendship we want.
  To most of us,friendships are   6   very important,but we need to have clear in our  7 the kinds of friendship we want.Are they to be close or   8  at arm’s length?Do we want to share ourselves or do we want to walk on the   9  ?For some people,many friendships on the surface are   10   enough and that’s all right.But at some point,  11   to make sure that our expectations are the same as our friends’expectations.The   12   of personal experience including our tears as well as our dark dreams is the   13    way to deepen friendships.But it must be undertaken(进行)slowly and   14    only if there are signs of interest and action in return.
  What are some of the   15   of friendship?The greatest is the attraction to expect too much time.Another “  16    difficulty”is the selfishness to take actions too soon.Deep relationships
    17    one“possesses”the other,including his time and attention.  18   ,friendships in return.In other words,you must give as much as you take.  19    there is a question of taking care of them.  20   you spend reasonable time together,talking on the phone,writing letters,doing things together,friendships will die away.
  168.A.KnowledgeB.Practice      C.Experience       D.Success
  169.A.understoodB.formed       C.realized        D.produced
  170.A.trueB.common      C.short    D.whole
  171.A.hopeB.difference    C.need    D.courage
  172.A.kindB.length        C.warmthD.value
  173.A.madeB.considered    C.explainedD.reminded
  174.A.heartsB.thoughts      C.actionsD.minds
  175.A.remained B.left          C.keptD.stayed
  176.A.mudB.surface       C.iceD.feet
  177.A.longB.easy          C.quite D.not
  178.A.it needsB.we need       C.one needs D.they need
  179.A.spreadingB.sharing       C.seekingD.showing
  180.A.easiestB.latest        C.worst D.surest
  181.A.watched overB.turned away   C.broken downD.carried on
  182.A.difficultiesB.differences   C.advantagesD.types
  183.A.actualB.rough         C.upsetD.major
  184.A.requireB.request       C.dependD.suggest
  185.A.SurprisinglyB.Fortunately   C.Similarly D.Frequently
  186.A.FinallyB.Gradually     C.ObviouslyD.Curiously
  187.A.ThoughB.Unless        C.SinceD.When

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